
keep calm

Keep Calm

Keep Calm and Carry On was a poster created by the British government to inspire their people before World War II. The placard was intended to encourage the panicked English population during the threat of Nazi air raids. The crown pictured on the top of the poster was meant to give the impression of an

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red light bulb

Inspired in a Dark Place

Austin Miles was an amateur photographer. He discovered he could read his Bible in the red lighting of a darkroom. He would often peruse Scripture while he waited for his pictures to develop. On March 1912, while awaiting the photo developing process to finish, Miles picked up his Bible. It fell open to John 20.

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Demonization (Part 2) Mark 5:11-20 This is the second blog in my series on “Demonization” from Mark 5. Last month’s post covered verses 1-10 from the same chapter. This month’s blog is from verses 11-20. Here, we see three significant “departures” on the same date in Jesus’ encounter with this demoniac who was possessed by

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“Characteristics of Demon-Possessed People” Mark 5:1-20 Jesus’ encounter with the demoniac in Mark 5 shows how demon-possessed people can be identified by seven characteristics: Mindless Pursuits Then they came to the other side of the sea, to the country of the Gadarenes. And when He (Jesus) had come out of the boat, immediately there met

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Helping Those Who Struggle With Addiction

The friendship of hymn-writers, John Newton, lyricist of “Amazing Grace”, and William Cowper, poet of “There is a Fountain Filled with Blood”, teaches us how to help those who struggle with addiction. William Cowper “became an opium smoker and prayed for deliverance” (Tracing the Rainbow through the Rain, O.S. Hawkins). He alternated between being hooked

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mlk monument

My MLK Connection

Thirty-eight miles from where I live in Newnan, Georgia is the land my third great-grandfather, Samuel Lee, owned in the 1800’s. This Henry county property has an interesting history. Before my ancestor settled it, Creek Indians and fur traders lived off of it by hunting, fishing, and trapping. By the start of the Civil War,

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